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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 山东 淄博市
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最后更新: 2010-10-08 09:49
美格网是用来防止人、物坠落,或用来避免、减轻坠落及物击伤害的网具。是一种质优价廉,规格齐全,产品坚固耐用、不生锈、美观大方的防护网产品,它由冷镀锌,热镀锌,pvc浸塑,塑料喷涂防腐工艺。.美格网是一种采Q235低碳钢丝、铝镁合金丝为主要原料经编织焊接而成也可以称为“防护网”,主要用于高速公路桥梁两侧用于防护的一种美格网产品。它主要用于高速公路和、铁路、桥梁两侧的防护带上使用;也可以用于机场、港口、码头的安全防护;市政建设中的公园、草坪、动物园、池湖、道路、及住宅区的隔离与防护;宾馆、酒店、超市、娱乐场所的防护与装饰。具有强度高、安装方便、抗老化、耐冲击、耐腐蚀等特点。   材料:优质低碳钢丝.电镀锌丝.改拔丝.   规格:5x5cm--15x15cm.   编织:预弯后焊接而成.表面可电镀锌.热镀锌.浸塑.   产品用途:美格网可用于门窗的防护防盗,也可用于公路、铁路、飞机场、住宅小区、港口码头、花园、饲养、畜牧等的护栏防护使用。


Meg nets are used to prevent people, falling to avoid, reduce, or fall or damage of gears. Is a cheap, complete specifications, durable, rusty, beautiful generous, its net products by cold galvanization, galvanized, plastic, plastic spraying, PVC dip anticorrosion technology. Meg nets is a j in low carbon steel wire, aluminum alloys Q235 wire as the main raw materials by weaving welded can also be called "net", mainly used for highway bridge side for protection of a kind of Meg nets products. It is mainly used for highway and railway bridge, the protective take sides, use, Also can be used in airports, ports, docks safety protection, The municipal construction, lawn, zoo, park ChiHu, roads, and residential segregation and protection, Hotel, supermarket, protection and decoration of entertainment. With high strength and convenient installation, anti-aging, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, etc.
Material: galvanized wire. High quality low-carbon steel wire. Change toffee.
Specification: 5x5cm - 15x15cm.
Knitting: after preflex welded. The surface can electro-galvanizing. Galvanized. Jinsu.
Product use: the net can be used for Windows Meg protective security, also can be used for highway, railway, airport, residential area, ports, gardens, breeding, animal husbandry etc. Use the guardrail protective
Quality assurance, welcome consultation discussion.

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